Monday, April 4, 2011

She Said Yes!

One year ago today, I kneeled down and asked Amber to marry me. She felt sorry for me and said yes!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Half A Year Of Marriage

This morning, Amber and I looked out the window and saw a white winter wonderland. She had the day off so we took our time waking up. After a Bible study time together (which isn't easy for us to schedule on weekday mornings) we bundled up and played in the snow for a while. At one point, my wife looked at me with her pretty smile and said "Happy 6-month anniversary!"

Amber and I got married on July 10 and we were the first (and currently the only) couple to be wed in a newly-constructed area of our church called Fellowship Square. The whole thing went by so fast...literally. It was a Saturday and our church had to prepare for its regularly scheduled evening services so we were given a total of about 4 hours for the ceremony, reception and clean-up! After Amber and I drove away in my '95 Ford Taurus getaway car, we went to Taco Bell. (We hadn't had much time to stop and enjoy the food at our own reception.) The reaction from the lady at the drive-thru window was priceless. "Ahhhh, congratulations!" Smiling, we said thanks and I secretly hoped the woman would give us the food for free. No seƱor. Our first purchase as man and wife was a bean burrito and a large drink.

That was a great day. Today was also a great day and we spent every moment together. I believe God made us for each other and He's greatly blessed us. After half a year of marriage, I'm glad I married Amber.